Batting Average is a Trap

Baseball is not an accurate representation of life.

In baseball, batting average matters because the outcome of the game is directly related to the percentage of times each batter gets on base.

But in life, we’re not keeping track of how many times you get up to bat, or how many times you strike out.

We’re keeping track of the impact you make.

If you’re working on a project that needs just one customer or one funder, one publisher, one partner, it doesn’t matter how many other people didn’t like your idea.

And there’s no extra credit (zero) for getting a ‘yes’ from the first person you ask.

Of course, it’s foolish to spam the world, to make yourself a glutton for “no”, to hustle and hassle and learn nothing from all the feedback you’ve gotten. Sooner or later, you’ll use up your welcome and run out of at bats.

The challenge is to find the resolve to bring your work to someone who will benefit from it. To learn from what doesn’t work and then to do the work again the right way.

For the right project, one in a hundred is as good as the Babe Ruth’s of the world.  We have the project in front of us to help our customer’s grow their wealth. And we have a bat to help make that happen, “Life Insurance”. Use the bat and the swing with “Stairs and Buckets” and your team will be getting on base more often.

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